First Name
Last Name
How would you describe your Excel skills?
Advanced, I use advanced formulas and automation
Competent, I can build basic spreadsheets and models
Basic, I use it for simple tasks only
Do you use Excel shortcuts and formulas (e.g., INDEX-MATCH, conditional formatting)?
Regularly and confidently
Occasionally, but not with confidence
Rarely or never
If you were asked to adjust a financial model, how comfortable would you feel?
Completely comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not comfortable
Do you know how valuation software / tools calculates its results?
Yes, I could replicate the calculations myself
I have a basic understanding
No, I just use the tool without understanding the logic
Do you regularly struggle with property terms and acronyms?
Yes, I often feel confused
Sometimes, but I can usually figure it out
Rarely, I’m confident with most terms
Do you understand why IRR is a common metric in the property industry?
Yes, I can explain it to others
I have a basic understanding
No, I’ve never understood it
How confident are you in explaining key real estate metrics like yield or NOI?
Very confident, I could teach others
I understand some but need more clarity
I struggle with these terms
Do you know the main components of a discounted cash flow?
Yes, I can build one from scratch
I understand the basics but need guidance
No, I’m not familiar with DCF
Have you ever created a discounted cash flow model from scratch?
Yes, and I refined it myself
I’ve tried, but I needed guidance
No, I’ve never done it
When reviewing property deals, how do you evaluate them?
I rely on my own customised financial models
I use templates or tools from others
I don’t use a structured method
How comfortable are you presenting financial models to stakeholders?
Very comfortable, I know my models are robust
Somewhat comfortable, but it’s challenging
Not comfortable at all
Do you feel confident making adjustments to an existing financial model?
Yes, I can customise models easily
I can make small tweaks but struggle with major changes
No, I’m not comfortable adjusting them
Have you ever negotiated a deal based on your model’s insights?
Yes, it’s a regular part of my role
Once or twice, but I need more experience
No, I’ve never done that
How often do you use financial models to make investment decisions?
Regularly, I rely on them heavily
Sometimes, but I need more confidence
Rarely, I’m still learning how to use them effectively
I have never done this
Do you feel your lack of financial modelling knowledge limits your career?
Yes, it’s holding me back
I need deeper skills to progress further
No, I feel supported by my existing tools
Have you ever used a financial model to support a client or manager decision?
Yes, frequently
Occasionally, but it could be stronger
Never, I wouldn’t know where to start