1 - How long have you been trying to grow your purpose led business?
Less than 1 year
More than 1 year
2 - What is your current product or service in your business
I'm in the dreaming phase - still planning my business or offering
I'm focused on 1:1 services and loving my current model
I'm doing 1:1 work but feeling called to expand into online offerings
I'm already offering digital products/programs but seeking more alignment and consistency
3 - When considering launching a new offering or program, what's your first thought?
‘’I don’t have enough people who will want this offer’’
‘’I’m not sure this is aligned or the right thing to put out’'
‘’I am scared to share this, and the idea of promoting it fills me with dread’’
‘’This is going to take a lot more work that I don’t have time for. It will have to wait until later’’
‘’I don’t know enough to put this offer out yet I need more training first’’
4 - When crafting content for your social media or newsletter, how do you typically feel?
‘’I’m OK putting it out there but I can’t keep asking my audience to take action they won’t like it’’
‘’I can’t seem to find the right words, it all sounds fake a pushy’’
‘’I’m worried I’m giving away too much and then people won’t buy’’
‘’I don’t think the message is strong enough or important enough for them to read’’
‘’I don’t know if this really matters, it doesn’t feel quite right’’
5 - How do you feel about your client relationships?
‘’I don’t think I’m making enough impact with them’’
‘’It’s hard for me to express my true value to my clients’’
‘’I feel awkward and uncomfortable when they praise my work’’
‘’I am scared that I won’t have consistent income or that they’ll leave’’
‘’Honestly, I feel like a bit of an imposter at times’’
6 - When someone provides constructive feedback on your work, what's your initial response?
‘’I truly fear judgment as I want this to work and take on too much of what is said’’
‘’I struggle to express my approach or response to feedback, I’d probably internalize it and be anxious about it in silence’’
‘’I don’t take praise well, I’d naturally deflect it. But also obsess over criticism’’
‘’I have a nervous moment as I worry it will be negative and affect my income’’
‘’It feels like they’re just saying it because they know me as we have a good relationship, it’s not what others think’’
7 - How do you feel about taking time off in your business?
’I struggle to communicate boundaries so I feel like I’m always working’’
‘’I feel guilty about not working when I’m off, then annoyed that I did’’
'’I wouldn’t have anyone to take over or help whilst I’m away so I come back to even more work if feels pointless’’
‘’I fear letting people down if I am not around for them’’
‘’I can’t take time off I will lose income or opportunities’’
8 - How do you feel about scaling your online business?
‘’I worry about maintaining financial stability or that I’d have to invest more to grow’’
‘’I doubt my ability to serve a larger audience people’’
‘’I fear losing the deeper meaning to my work and connection’’
‘’I'm anxious about showing up more visibly, it’s hard now let alone if I was bigger’’
‘’I know I want to grow but it will take too much from me timewise and I just don’t have the capacity’’
9 - What are your biggest goals for your business growth?
‘’I’d love to make $3-6k per month helping people, that’s the dream’'
‘’I’d love to replace my income from 1:1 in group/evergreen so I’m not as busy’’
‘’I want to replace my salary so I can work in the business full time’’
‘’I want to make an impact - that’s all that matters’’
‘’I’m ready for way more, bring on 6-7 figures let’s go’'
10 - How do you approach your business finances?
‘’I hate speaking about money, I hate the pitch for a sale and I don’t like to increase my prices’’
‘’I am not good with money, I don’t trust that I will make the best financial decisions’’
‘’I hate looking at the numbers it always makes me feel nervous or lost’’
‘’It’s hard to ask for money around something that is a purpose so I prefer not to think about money in that way’’
‘’I find I resist or delay any investment in my business unless I know I have to have it with certainty’’
11 - When celebrating your business wins, what's your typical response?
‘’I don’t really as I’m worried that it won’t continue so have to get onto the next task’’
‘’I don’t think i’ve had any real wins to celebrate’’
‘’I question if I'm celebrating the right things’’
‘’I might do something small but I don’t really share my wins with others’’
‘’I don’t really like the praise so just move on’’
First Name